همه چیز ازهمه جا

عکس و مطالب خوندنی ودیدنی

همه چیز ازهمه جا

عکس و مطالب خوندنی ودیدنی

عکسهای نفس‌گیر از حیوانات در نمای نزدیک


1) Gannet Dive 

2) Eye to Eye by
3) Gotcha! by
4) The flying fortes by
5) Parotsnake by 
6) Common Kingfisher vs House Sparrow by
7) Closeup by
8 ) Dandelion by 
9) The hunt by
10) Power by
11) seagull by 
12) Conversation by
13) The Living Knot by
14) Breakfast by
15) you can dance by
16) Predator by
17) A green breakfast by
18) Got it! by
19) Catch by 
20) Breakfast by
21) mummification by 
22) Common Kestrel by
23) Sea Eagle in sunset by
24) Tiger by
25) Fierce by
26) Lunch … by 
27) Remain wild… by
28) Poised by
29) Diving Tiger –
30)Thats mine by
31) White-tailed Sea eagle by
32) Aliens by
33) Splash by
34) Uroplatus fimbriatus by
35) Hyla arborea by
36) angry… by 
37) Fightclub by
38) Norwegian Sea Eagle by
39) Give me a kiss! by
40) aggressive by
Those were some of the best I could find after hours of searching. The next picture is somewhat digresses from the original topic. However, I was tempted to upload it here as it looks so amazingly cute. I’m sure when it wakes up, it will start hunting again 
41) Asleep by
42) Peekaboo – The best one so far
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